Selecting Only One Json Object In D3
I am new to d3.js and currently working on interactive bubble chart and modifying to my need.The bubble chart I am working on is the below Source
Solution 1:
To filter a selection to specific items, use the selection.filter(selector)
var desiredNames = ["Atlas", "Aglab"];
var itemsWithDesiredNames = selection.filter(function(d, i) {
return desiredNames.includes(;
Solution 2:
For each item, set its style visibility attribute to visible
or hidden
based on its name. Here is an example:
.style("visibility", function(d) {
return ["Atlas", "Aglab"].includes( ? "visible" : "hidden"
To put it all together:
// existing code to draw bubbles
.attr("class", "topBubble")
.attr("id", function(d,i) {return "topBubble" + i;})
.attr("r", function(d) { return oR; })
.attr("cx", function(d, i) {return oR*(3*(1+i)-1);})
.attr("cy", (h+oR)/3)
.style("fill", function(d,i) { return colVals(i); })
// set bubble visibility based on name of data item
.style("visibility", function(d) {
return ["Atlas", "Aglab"].includes( ? "visible" : "hidden"
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