Unsigned Right Shift / Zero-fill Right Shift / >>> In PHP (Java/JavaScript Equivalent)
Solution 1:
After looking into the two functions from the question ("shr9" and "shr11") and merging/tweaking the good parts, I finally found the solution. All tests passed (I even added more in the demo), and it also works for shifts by a negative number.
function unsignedRightShift($a, $b) {
if ($b >= 32 || $b < -32) {
$m = (int)($b/32);
$b = $b-($m*32);
if ($b < 0) {
$b = 32 + $b;
if ($b == 0) {
return (($a>>1)&0x7fffffff)*2+(($a>>$b)&1);
if ($a < 0)
$a = ($a >> 1);
$a &= 0x7fffffff;
$a |= 0x40000000;
$a = ($a >> ($b - 1));
} else {
$a = ($a >> $b);
return $a;
This code is not just accurate, but fast too.
Benchmark results: 100000 loops in: 0.25 sec
Benchmark test: http://phpfiddle.org/main/code/mj68-1s7e
Solution 2:
As I was really out of ideas, I cloned the Chromium V8 engine and the Mozilla Central repo for getting SpiderMonkey. I started searching for the JS >>> operator, and finally in Mozilla's code, I found an almost 20 years old file (from 1997), js/src/tests/ecma/Expressions/11.7.3.js, which contained the operator-less code for testing "zero-filling bitwise right shift operation". After rewriting this in PHP, this code passed all the tests.
function ToInteger( $n ) {
$sign = ( $n < 0 ) ? -1 : 1;
if ( $n != $n ) {
return 0;
if ( abs( $n ) == 0 || abs( $n ) == INF ) {
return $n;
return intval( $sign * floor(abs($n)) );
function ToInt32( $n ) {
$sign = ( $n < 0 ) ? -1 : 1;
if ( abs( $n ) == 0 || abs( $n ) == INF) {
return 0;
$n = ($sign * floor( abs($n) )) % pow(2,32);
$n = ( $n >= pow(2,31) ) ? $n - pow(2,32) : $n;
return ( $n );
function ToUint32( $n ) {
$sign = ( $n < 0 ) ? -1 : 1;
if ( abs( $n ) == 0 || abs( $n ) == INF) {
return 0;
$n = $sign * floor( abs($n) );
$n = $n % pow(2,32);
if ( $n < 0 ){
$n += pow(2,32);
return ( $n );
function ToUint16( $n ) {
$sign = ( $n < 0 ) ? -1 : 1;
if ( abs( $n ) == 0 || abs( $n ) == INF) {
return 0;
$n = ( $sign * floor( abs($n) ) ) % pow(2,16);
if ($n <0) {
$n += pow(2,16);
return ( $n );
function Mask( $b, $n ) {
$b = ToUint32BitString( $b );
$b = substr( $b, strlen($b) - $n );
$b = ToUint32Decimal( $b );
return ( $b );
function ToUint32BitString( $n ) {
$b = "";
for ( $p = 31; $p >=0; $p-- ) {
if ( $n >= pow(2,$p) ) {
$b .= "1";
$n -= pow(2,$p);
} else {
$b .= "0";
return $b;
function ToInt32BitString( $n ) {
$b = "";
$sign = ( $n < 0 ) ? -1 : 1;
$b .= ( $sign == 1 ) ? "0" : "1";
for ( $p = 30; $p >=0; $p-- ) {
if ( ($sign == 1 ) ? $sign * $n >= pow(2, $p) : $sign * $n > pow(2,$p) ) {
$b .= ( $sign == 1 ) ? "1" : "0";
$n -= $sign * pow( 2, $p );
} else {
$b .= ( $sign == 1 ) ? "0" : "1";
return $b;
function ToInt32Decimal( $bin ) {
$r = 0;
if ( intval($bin[0]) == 0 ) {
$sign = 1;
$r = 0;
} else {
$sign = -1;
$r = -(pow(2,31));
for ( $j = 0; $j < 31; $j++ ) {
$r += pow( 2, $j ) * intval($bin[31-$j]);
return $r;
function ToUint32Decimal( $bin ) {
$r = 0;
for ( $l = strlen($bin); $l < 32; $l++ ) {
$bin = "0" . $bin;
for ( $j = 0; $j < 32; $j++ ) {
$r += pow( 2, $j ) * intval($bin[31-$j]);
return $r;
function RShift( $s, $a ) {
$s = ToUint32BitString( $s );
for ( $z = 0; $z < $a; $z++ ) {
$s = "0" . $s;
$s = substr( $s, 0, strlen($s) - $a );
return ToUint32Decimal($s);
function UnsignedRightShift( $s, $a ) {
$s = ToUint32( $s );
$a = ToUint32( $a );
$a = Mask( $a, 5 );
return ( RShift( $s, $a ) );
Usage example:
UnsignedRightShift(10, 3);
( = 10 >>> 3 )
Disclaimer: I know that this is not even close to a "professional" solution, the performance is bad (4.33s with 110,000 loops; functions in question finish ~0.04s with 110,000 loops), and maybe there are even unnecessary functions in this snippet, but currently I only had time to implement it line by line. If anyone has a better solution, better performance or cleaner code, I'm more than happy to see it.
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