How Do Add To A Key Value To Javascript Object
I am trying to learn JS. It seems simple but I am not sure how to do this. having this javascript object based on this good thread var people = { 1: { name: 'Joe' }, 2: { nam
Solution 1:
Assign the anonymous object to it the way you would any other value.
people["4"] = { name: 'John' };
For what it's worth, since your keys are numeric you could also use zero-based indices and make people an array.
var people = [ { name: 'Joe' },
{ name: 'Sam' },
{ name: 'Eve' } ];
alert( people[2].name ); // outputs Eve
people[3] = { name: 'John' };
Solution 2:
I think people should be an array :
var people = [
{ name: 'Joe' },
{ name: 'Sam' },
{ name: 'Eve' }
as the keys are integers, so you can add a person by :
You can acces to the people by doing :
var somebody = people[1]; /// >>> Sam
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