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Add And Edit Form In One Page

I have two buttons 'Add' and 'Edit' in my page. When I try to click the 'Add' button I get one popup form and I fill the details and will be added in to the database. The same thin

Solution 1:

There are Multiple Way to do it, Next time Please Post the code. Let me assume that you were using the Model to view

For more details post the code we can help you out

Here is the updated Answer

                        <input class="edituser btn btn-info" type="button" value="Edit" data-user-id = "{{each_item.user_id}}">


change the id to class

       $(".edituser").button().on("click", function () {
           var id = $(this).attr("data-user-id");
           var tempUser;
           for(var user in results){
               if( == id){
                     tempUser = user;


you can set the value accordingly from using "user id"

and on submit change the value in the "results" object you using to construct the view

Solution 2:

There are Multiple Way to do it, Next time Please Post the code. Let me assume that you were using the Jquery Model to view

First Way: One Add button one Edit Button(assuming)

  1. set id = "Add" for add id = "edit"
  2. On Click on Add but show the empty form and use $( "#dialog-form" .dialog( "open" ); to to open the empty form
  3. On click on Edit Set the Value in the form (fetch the value from the database if its required) and then $( "#dialog-form" .dialog( "open" );

Secon Way: One Add button Multiple Edit Button(assuming) for each li 1. use class selector class ="edit"

<button class ="edit" data-form-id = "123">Edit</button>

$( ".edit" ).click(function()
  var formId  =  $(this).attr("data-form-id ");

  $( "#dialog-form" .dialog( "open" );

For more details post the code we can help you out

Solution 3:

you can add

 <input type='hidden' name='actiontype'>

and set value Edit Or Add then in backend you can read this value and choose action for form

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