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Child_added Gets Triggered After Remove

I've created this handler to watch for new children being created. This little trick stops the child_added event from triggering my code on each page load. Instead it only gets tri

Solution 1:

You seem to think the endAt() uses a timestamp for comparison, so that it only returns new children. But that's simply not how it works. From the Firebase documentation for endAt:

If no arguments are provided, the ending point will be the end of the data.

With your code:


You're creating a query that is set to always return a single child. The condition is that the child was created after you created the query.

A query is like a sliding window over the child nodes in your Firebase ref: it will always contain (at most) one child, a child that was created after you created your query.


Say you have these children when you create the query:

child3 <!-- last child present when creating the endAt() query -->

By using endAt query will be "rooted" after child3. So it will not fire any events for child1, child2 and child3.

Say you add a new child:

child3 <!-- last child present when creating the endAt() query -->

The query will a child_added event for child4.

Now if we add another child:

child3 <!-- last child present when creating the endAt() query -->

The query will fire a child_removed for child4 and child_added for child5. Note that child4 was not actually removed from your Firebase, it just disappeared from the query results (since you asked to limit the number of results to just one).

When we now remove the latest child, we end up with:

child3 <!-- last child present when creating the endAt() query -->

And the query will fire a child_removed for child5 and child_added for child4. This again comes from the fact that your query is set to always contain (at most) one node that was added after child3.

How to get what you want

It seems like you only want to get child_added once for newly added children. In that case I would not use a limit on the query, but instead I would set the timestamp that the room was created as its priority:

    /* whatever properties you need for a room */, 
    '.priority': Firebase.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP 

Then you can simply start the query at that priority.

this._roomRef.startAt('child_added', ...

Solution 2:

I found a tricky solution for this . Let's suppose you are getting messages with value like msg-txt , timestamp , userid When you get the first messages using child_added you need to store the latest message timestamp into a global variable then for every new chils_added just compare the two timestamps .

If the message timestamp > the global timestamp Then return the message and save its timestamp to global timestamp.

Hope this will help

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