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Kendo Grid Column Show/hide Making Issue With 80+ Columns

I have a kendo grid with around 80 columns. Based on some logic I am hiding/showing columns. First 20 columns are static, and rest 60 depends on number of employees(eg:- if 20 empl

Solution 1:

I have resolved this issue. It was taking time when we are using hideColumn() and showColumn() methods of kendo grid. So I just replaced it with normal jQuery hide() and show() methods.

Check below code

I have replaced

if (empList[listIndex].Name.toString() == "HideColumn") {                                   
} else {   


var colIdx = $(this).index() + 1; 
if (crewNameList[listIndex].Name.toString() == "HideColumn") {                        
    $("#grdEmployees table th:nth-child(" + colIdx + "),td:nth-child(" + (colIdx) + "),col:nth-child(" + (colIdx-1) + ")").hide();                      
} else {                        
    $("#grdEmployees table th:nth-child(" + (colIdx) + "),td:nth-child(" + (colIdx) + "),col:nth-child(" + (colIdx-1) + ")").show();                           

It will be useful for you.

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