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How To Access $rootscope Variable From Directive Templateurl

I've managed to get cross-domain HTML templates working by applying a url to the rootScope which I can access from controllers and other HTML files, but the problem arises when it

Solution 1:

You can use angular's dependency injection at directive level - so just place $rootScope there. See my example below:

  .directive('bthToggleHeader', ['$rootScope', function($rootScope) {
    var controller = [
      '$scope', '_',
      function($scope, _) {
        if ($scope.tglOpen)
          $scope.tglShowSection = true;

        $scope.toggleShowSection = function() {
          $scope.tglShowSection = !$scope.tglShowSection;

    return {
      restrict: 'E',
      scope: {
        tglHeading: '@',
        tglShowSection: '=',
        tglOpen: '=?'
      transclude: true,
      controller: controller,
      templateUrl: $rootScope.cdnUrl + '/html/directives/bthToggleHeader.html'

As Joe Clay said, $rootScope exists only in the controller function - that's why it's undefined outside of it.

Solution 2:

$rootScope has fallen out of scope by the time you try to access it in templateUrl - you can't use a function parameter outside of the function (or at least, not without saving a reference somewhere)!

var controller = [
    "$scope", "$rootScope", "_", function ($scope, $rootScope, _) {
        if ($scope.tglOpen)
            $scope.tglShowSection = true;

        $scope.toggleShowSection = function() {
            $scope.tglShowSection = !$scope.tglShowSection;
    } // FUNCTION ENDS HERE - past this point $rootScope is undefined!

EDIT: While this answer gives some context on why your current code doesn't work, I wasn't 100% sure of the best way to solve the problem - Cosmin Ababei's answer seems like an effective solution, and I'd recommend you follow his advice!

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