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Javascript Osc Library?

Does an open sound control library exists for javascript? I cant seem to find any information on this.

Solution 1:

Implemented, client-side, in my KievII library. Here's a link to the code. Works nicely with my server-side, node.js, OSC Proxy.

Solution 2:

I've recently worked on a OSC library (UMD module written in ES6) named osc-js for different JavaScript applications (Node.js, Electron, Chrome Apps, webpages) with address pattern matching, WebSocket-/UDP Plugins and some solutions to connect it to MaxMSP/PureData/etc.:

Solution 3:

Web sockets are, indeed, the best way to implement OSC in a browser - but, with lacking support, the next-best thing is a custom HTTP server. An effort is underway to build one - I've not checked out the process, so have a look yourself to see if it fits your purposes.

Solution 4:

I think a JavaScript OSC library, that works in the conventional way (e.g. using a UDP or TCP transport) is not possible due to the lack of low-level networking functionality provided in current browser-based implementations of the JavaScript. Cross-domain scripting limitations would also limit the usefulness of a browser-based OSC implementation IMO.

JavaScript OSC is possible by using custom XPCOM components, but at best, such solutions are going to be browser-specific.

One possibility might be to run OSC over a higher-level protocol. OSC over JSONP springs to mind as a potential area for exploration. Something similar to the MaxJax project, which implements OSC for the Python Twisted web server.

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