Ie Filter Antialiasing Problem
Solution 1:
There is a trick I have used... if the background behind the text is such that you can pick a solid color that will match it within a reasonable degree, you can use the following pair of CSS rules to do faux-antialiasing on the text, in IE only:
background-color: #CCCCCC; /pick the color that matches your background/ filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Chroma(color='#CCCCCC'); /use the same color here/
Solution 2:
I "got around" this by disabling Anti-Aliasing in IE completely by appending an Opacity filter of 1.0 on every element on the page...
Ok, so it looks nasty - but at least everything looks like (and IE6/7 is nasty anyway ^_^).
Solution 3:
You have to define the background on each element, there's no getting round that as far as I am aware. You could do this with css, something like
.mydiv p {background:#fff}
Using 1x1 px background causes repeating issues. Using 2x2 px does not.
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