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Storing A List Of Key Value Pairs In A Url Parameter, Javascript.

Assuming as an example. What is the best way to store a second parameter that is a list of key value pairs? At the minute I use ¶m2=key|val

Solution 1:

PHP (and other server-side languages) support passing arrays in the query string.[key1]=value1&param2[key2]=value2

PHP will parse the GET string as such:

array(2) {
  string(7) "example"
  array(2) {
    string(6) "value1"
    string(6) "value2"

If you don't pass keys, it will be become a numeric array:[]=value1&param2[]=value2

Will be parsed as:

array(2) {
  string(7) "example"
  array(2) {
    string(6) "value1"
    string(6) "value2"

UPDATE: You can also parse the query string in JavaScript.

Here is a simple jQuery plugin I made:

$.parseQuery = function(str) {
    var ret = {};
    $.each(str.split("&"), function() {
        var data = this.split('='),
            name = decodeURIComponent(data.shift()),
            val = decodeURIComponent(data.join("=")).replace('+', ' '),
            nameVal = name.match(/(.*)\[(.*)\]/);

        if (nameVal === null) {
            ret[name] = val;
        else {
            name = nameVal[1];
            nameVal = nameVal[2];
            if (!ret[name]) {
                ret[name] = nameVal ? {} : [];
            if ($.isPlainObject(ret[name])) {
                ret[name][nameVal] = val;
    return ret;

Then you can do: $.parseQuery('param1=example&param2[]=value1&param2[]=value2');.

Solution 2:

A possible solution would be to escape the pipe and commas in the user input before posting them to your url.

That means sanitising the user input values and replacing | and , with something that doesn't break your code or just stripping them altogether.

Solution 3:

To prevent casual tampering, you could add a checksum and base-64 encode your values then encodeURIComponent() the resulting string. (See How can you encode to Base64 using Javascript? and A JavaScript CRC32.)

Of course, this won't prevent someone who's really determined from messing with your values, but it will slow down people who just like to twiddle URLs.

Solution 4:

When I think of serializing a list of key-value pairs, I immediately think of using a query-string.

For basics (JSON used to show deserialization):


is essentially:

    foo: [
    fizz: 'buzz',
    alpha: null,
    beta: ''

But special characters have to be escaped:


is essentially:

    foo: 'bar&baz'

What this means is that you can pass a query-string as a value in another query-string:


is essentially:

    foo: 'bar=baz&fizz=buzz'

And foo can be parsed to produce:


That all being said, it's very easy to make mistakes while encoding/decoding, and as soon as you start double-encoding and double-decoding you're guaranteed to run into issues. If you can, use a single query string to contain all the necessary data, and don't embed a query-string within a query-string.

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