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How To Add Text To End Of Each Array Element Using Map?

I am trying to write a function that maps over an array and add a string of text to the end of each element in the array. When I do a console.log I just get undefined. Any help wou

Solution 1:

.map's callback function expects a return value

let arr = ["England", "Scotland", "Westeros"];

dragonMapper = arr => {
  let newArr = {
    return e + ' be dragons'; //Return the concatenated value of 2 strings
  return newArr;


Shorter version, with the arrow function syntax:

let arr = ["England", "Scotland", "Westeros"];

dragonMapper = arr => {
  return => e + ' be dragons');


Solution 2:

You can do it using the .map() method and template literals:

let arr = ["England","Scotland","Westeros"];
let result = =>`${country} be dragons`);

Solution 3:

Instead of e += ' be dragons' you can simply do e + ' be dragons' and return the new value.

Also, you are calling dragonMapper with newArr but it needs to be called with arr

let arr = ["England", "Scotland", "Westeros"];

dragonMapper = (arr) => {
  return {
    return e + ' be dragons'



Solution 4:

As others have said, you can fix this with code like this:

let arr = ["England","Scotland","Westeros"];
let dragonLands = => country + ' be dragons');

But also important is to understand why your code fails. The issue is that Strings are immutable. So this:

   e += ' be dragons'

does not change the value of e in your original array but instead returns a new String, which is immediately thrown away, since you don't assign it to something or return it.

It can be confusing because this looks fairly similar:

let arr = [
    {name: "England", id: 1}, 
    {name: "Scotland", id: 2}, 
    {name: "Westeros", id: 3}
arr.forEach(country => += ' be dragons');

But there are important differences. First, map returns the result of applying the function to the elements. forEach, in contrast, is only important for side effects, in this case mutating the elements supplied to it.

Second, country => += ' there be dragons' does two things. It creates a new String as did your version, but then it assigns it back to Objects are not immutable.

map is an extremely useful construct, but when using it, it's essential to understand that it's the result of the function it invokes that's important.

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